Business Growth Company Culture Leadership

Why Company Culture IS More Important Than Anything Else

Company culture connects your team to their work, your company, your mission, your business goals, and expectations. Without proper culture in place, your team and business won’t rise to the level of success hoped for.

Career Growth Tech Education

5 Things You Need To Do BEFORE Entering The Tech Industry

Tech seems to be the most sought industry for workforce newcomers and seasoned business professionals. The tech industry has always been based on innovation and creativity. Nothing is ever stagnant and that’s the appeal. Having the right tactics to lead your start in the industry will give you a competitive edge and a more focused outlook on what’s to come.

Career Growth Software Development Tech Education

6 Lifestyle Tips For Software Developers

Optimizing your lifestyle is an occurrence that every working adult tries to accomplish. Figuring out the work-life balance you need is pivotal to mental health but isn’t as easily accessible to everyone. Working in the tech industry, work culture is a critical factor in the work process.

Business Growth Leadership Tech Education

Current Tech Industry Changes Your Workplace Should Think About Implementing

Current industry trends have set the tone for the workforce. Working people have different expectations now than they did in the past. The new generation of working people needs and wants different things.

Business Growth Leadership Team Building

The Best Team Building Tactics You Should Be Using

The tactics shared will help transform and elevate team performance while also being completely accessible to the average company to include in their business process. 

Career Growth Remote Work Self Growth Work Environment

How To Successfully Work From Home In The Tech Industry

Working remotely is great for some but for others, it can be a challenge to change the traditional views of what working is or looks like. Remote work can be difficult without the certain skills and tactics needed to be successful- And with the workforce seeing a surplus of remote positions becoming available, this article explains how to have the best remote work experience for those who work in tech from the perspective of an industry professional.

Business Growth Leadership Team Building

6 Things I Learned Leading A Remote Team in the Tech Industry

Having a business with a predominantly remote team is the reality of many companies’ business processes, especially after the COVID pandemic. Throughout the years, I learned that building and leading a team is no small feat. It takes time, dedication and experimentation to deliver the needed, and expected results.

Career Growth Self Growth

2 Steps To Level Up In The Tech Industry

Depending on what you do in the industry and where you want to go dictates what more you need to do to reach the level of success you’re striving for.

Leadership Software Development Tech Education

The Three Constraints of Software Development

The three constraints of software development are the essential elements of this process. They dictate what is needed and what should be prioritized during software development and project management.

Business Growth Leadership Team Building

5 Tips to Help You Build The Right Team For Your Small Business

Hiring the right team for your business is vital to the health of your company- However, there is a challenge. What exactly is that challenge? Building a team that you are confident and comfortable working with. Building the right team can be a lengthy process but with the right techniques, you can hire the team you need to succeed. With 20-plus years of experience in building successful teams, I have gathered that the best teams are the ones that have people who are good at what they do and are all in alignment with the larger project goals.